
My girlies

Kaitlyn and Madelyn

It has been way too long since I've written about my girls. Well, here is my best "catch-up":

Princess Cinderella Kaitlyn: This is my little lady. She never (never) leaves home with out a purse on her shoulder. And she keeps up with it (better than I keep up with mine). She loves wearing her little plastic high heels around the house and cooking for her mommy and daddy. Princess KK had very good manners. She always says, "Please," "Thank You" and "Welcome (for you're welcome)" She is a sweetheart and Eric and I feel very blessed to have her as our little miss priss.

Kaitlyn will talk about things she is curious about. We had my Grandma Jean Cupoli come and stay with us as she recovered from a fall back in June. Kaitlyn loves her Grandma, but tries to understand why she is older. She looked up at me the other day and said, "Mommy, I don't wan to grow up." I asked her why, she said, "Because I won't be able to play in my playhouse very long". She is back in pre-school this year and is eager to learn. She is learning her "A, B, Cs" and numbers. I'm in the class with her everyday and she doesn't seem to mind working with me!

Now for Little Miss Madelyn!
Madelyn is a case, that's for sure. She has a smile that will melt your heart. She is walking around everywhere and is such a little social light. She loves people and smiles right at them until they smile back at her. She talks a lot, but it's all in madilish (madelyn's language). She will come up to me and just tell me all about whatever she is saying (as if I should understand every word). She also communicates by SCREAMING. She loves to scream with a very high-pitched LOUD scream. I'm constantly telling her "No screaming" However, I think she likes the attention she gets from me telling her no and then, just screams again. Madelyn has a strong will! She wants what she wants and won't stop until she gets it. She isn't aware of her size, but uses her little LOUD Bark to tell others what she wants! I decided to break the baba (bottle) last week. She did very well. She will hold her little right hand up and move it up and down when she wants it, but I simply give her a sippy cup and she's just fine. I'm proud of her.

Well, I know this is long, but it's everything I can remember right now. I promise to keep up at least once a month and be a little more creative going forward.

Eric and I just celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary! I can't believe we've been married 7 years. I love my husband very much and am so proud he is mine. He is an amazing man and an even more amazing daddy to our girls.


May - 2010


Oh my goodness, this girl is so amazing. She is a little adventurer. We call Madelyn the creepy crawler, because you normally hear her before you see her. There are times, I look around and she is gone -- so I start to look everywhere. Can't seem to see her, but I can hear her. She is normally under the dining room table - crawling in between the chairs. She isn't afraid of anything. She'll crawl into dark hallways and/or rooms just looking from left to right checking things out. Then if you call her, she puts the crawl walk in high gear and off she goes (giggling all the way).

She is so full of life. New things she is doing:

  • Waving bye, bye and saying it at the same time
  • Madelyn LOVES music. She will sing and dance when she hears music
  • She repeats sounds. Kaitlyn and I were listening the the A,B,Cs of ACE in the car and she repeated four letter sounds. I could hardly believe what I was hearing.
  • Smiling all the time.
  • She wants to move, move and move. Doesn't like to be confined by a dress. She wants to crawl around everywhere.
  • She can climb up stairs now. (scary because we have stairs in our house)
  • Madelyn is eating food. Never liked baby food, but is really enjoying fresh fruit and cooked vegetables.

That's all I can think of at the moment. She is still real attached to me. Won't let new people hold her. She loves everyone she knows, but her favorite person is her big sister Kaitlyn. She is always around her and wanting to be right next to her or on top of her. Kaitlyn tries to be patient, but soon becomes a little frustrated with her excitement.


Kaitlyn is real protective of me. If she thinks someone is not being nice to me, she'll raise her voice and say, "You be nice to my mom." I love her so much. Well, as my last post stated, she is becoming quite independent. Dressing herself and wanting to comb her hair. Kaitlyn is a Princess. No, she is a Prissy Princess. She is all girl. She always likes to put on lip gloss and normally manages to put it all over her entire face. So funny. She loves dressing up in her princess dress and high heels, with tiarra, purse and wand. However, she does NOT like to draw attention to herself. She is a mini Eric personality wise. She is growing and changing so much. I must admit she is like her mom in one big way -- she is a BAG LADY. She will always have a purse and a bag with just about every toy in it with her at all times. She will NOT let her purse or bag at any time. She even will sleep with her purse to make sure she doesn't lose it. It cracks me up, because I am and always have been a bag lady, too. So sad to pass on this terrible trait to her. One last thing, last night during Wed night church, Kaitlyn got up and sang with her school class. Normally, she would try to work up the courage and then cave in right as they call her class up. Last night, she sang in the microphone and did an awesome job. Daddy and I were so proud.


April, 2010 --My Girlies!

Easter Sunday was a blast! Kaitlyn spotted her Easter basket on Saturday. So as soon as she woke up on Sunday morning, she asked for was her basket. No surprises, here. She's just like her mommy.

Madelyn enjoyed eating the Easter grass in her basket and sucking on the fake eggs. She is so curious about everything. Eric and I are still surprised we have a baby with red hair. We like it, but just wasn't something we were expecting. Thanks, Uncle Les!

Some of the things Madelyn is doing are:

  1. Clapping her hands

  2. Crawling (she is now mobile) and tries to follow me around everywhere.

  3. Coping noises and actions.

  4. Jibber / jabbering. (aka. baby talk)

  5. Smiling a LOT! (we say she looks around to catch a smile, just so she can smile back)


As the big sister, Kaitlyn does a pretty good job. We have to remind her to be gentle with Madelyn and to share her toys. Madelyn is now trying to grab her stuff and Kaitlyn doesn't like this very much at all. Kaitlyn is looking so much older now-a-days. She is so eager to grow up. She insisted on picking out her own clothes and dressing herself. She tried real hard to do her own hair, but wasn't quite there. I don't want her to grow up so fast and am trying to cherish every moment I have together with her.

Being a stay at home Mommy has been the greatest JOY of my life. I can't believe I didn't do it earlier. This is the way it is supposed to be. Eric and I raising our babies and the grandparents loving them and spoiling them. LOL We are blessed with some amazing parents! Thank God for our firm foundation of Godly parents who are now outstanding Grandparents to our girls.

Well, I promise to keep up with the blog more than I have. Poor Madelyn --- Second born kids never get as much attention than the first-- but I assure you, she is loves equally.


Madelyn Rolled Over!

Just wanted to make a note that my little Madelyn rolled over for the first time and by herself on Tuesday, February 2, 2009!!! She is growing and changing so very much. Daddy puts it right when he says, "Madelyn looks around to catch a smile so she can smile back at you."

Kaitlyn is also growing and changing so much. She is my big girl and such a sweetie. She has a BIG heart and enjoys playing with her cousins Andrew and Brennae. However, it's a thin line between love and hate with Brennae and KK (Kaitlyn). They LOVE each other one minute and hate the next. Ahh, the joys of growing up.

Well, that's all for now. I need to start keeping up with my blog. The second child just never gets as much as those first born children. (LOL, can you tell I'm a second baby)

Love ya,


Madelyn Capri Batman

Dear Family & Friends:

We are excited to announce the birth of our second baby girl, Madelyn Capri Batman. She arrived on July 22, 2009 at 2:59 am . She weghed 7 pounds 8 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Madelyn is very healthy and we were blessed that there were no complications.

As you can see from the picture above, Kaitlyn is very proud of her little sister. She is also somewhat possessive and protective of her. This is also a blessing as it could be quite the opposite.
It's hard to describe Madelyn in a paragraph or with pictures. So hopefully you will be able to meet her and get to know her. In the meantime, feel free to look at more pictures of our little one by clicking on the following link:

All our love
Eric, Kristi, Kaitlyn & Madelyn Batman


Madelyn's Baby Shower

Madelyn Capri Batman's Baby Shower

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Friends & Family

Thank you all for coming
to meet and welcome me
I'm glad I finally got to see
my new friends and family
I love all the things you brought
you are all very sweet
and I can hardly await until
the next time that we meet
My mom is very lucky
to know each one of you
and now that I am in the world
I'm so very lucky too!

Baby showers really make everyone excited about meeting, holding and getting to know the new baby that's on her way. I am so thankful for all my friends and family that came to celebrate the expected birth of Madelyn Capri.

It was an all ladies' shower and it was great to let our hair down and have lots of fun. There are some pretty good pictures of the games. My personal favorite is the one of my brother, Scott, kissing Adina's make-believe baby. (we drug him into the shower just for this Kodak moment) It was well worth it.

Many of the ladies from my church came to celebrate with us. My best friend, Amber Huizar came all the way from San Diego with her hubby and cutie pie son Avery. Also, Sis. Hodges made a long treck up from San Diego to attend the shower! Thank you so very much..


  • A very BIG thank you to my Mom and Dad who hosted the shower at their home. They worked so hard to prepare their home, the food, decorations and last minute special touches to make the shower perfect.

  • My best friend, Brenda Chacon (Annie Brenda) and her daughter Isabella (Kaitlyn's best friend) worked to make this shower so very special. They hole punched brown confetti for the tables, decorated the napkins, planned the many FUN and EXCITING games.

  • Brenda personally prepared the cutest cake I've ever seen at a shower. Also, Renie, Auntie Brenda Cupoli, Linda and Nonnie (Sis. Becky) and others helped decorate, make delicious salsa, potato salad.

  • THANK YOU ALL for coming and for all the beautiful gifts, gift cards and money that will help us prepare for Madelyn's arrival!

Love, Madelyn's mommy -- Kristin Batman


Arizona Family Vacation

Eric, Kaitlyn, Madelyn and I took a mini vacation to Arizona over Memorial Day weekend. We stayed in beautiful Sedona then traveled to the Grand Canyon, explored the old mining town of Jerome and went to a wild animal park "Out of Africa".

Grand Canyon: It rained the entire ride up to the Grand Canyon, and miraculously stopped once we arrived. We enjoyed observing the huge canyons and was reminded of just how great God is. It was beautiful!

Out of Africa is a wild animal park where we were able to take a small safari ride through an open area where Kaitlyn fed "Humphry" the Camel and "Kuma" the Giraffe. To our surprise she wasn't afraid and really enjoyed it. There were all kinds of animals there, tigers, bears, snakes, panthers and a huge beautiful lion named "Lazarus." When the rescuers found Lazarus when he was a cub, he was barely alive. After 30 minutes of cpr, he came through -- so they gave him the appropriate name of Lazarus. He had an amazing ROUR!

Jerome is an old mining town way up high on a hill. Kaitlyn mainly enjoyed the ice cream and a very small park in the middle of this little town.

It's always nice to get away and just relax together as a family. We were able to visit with Eric's cousin Rebbecca and her her dad, Dan. Kaitlyn really took to Rebbecca and it was good to catch up with family from Minnesota.

Well, I took some pictures and have completed a photo presentation to preserve the memory of this trip. Feel free to enjoy them.

Arizona Family Vacation
Love you all and pray you and your family are doing well. Please keep us up to date with pictures and videos you have of you and your family.

Love, Eric, Kristi, Kaitlyn and Madelyn